Clinical Hypnotherapy Training Homestudy Course

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        Certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy
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Hypnotherapy Course Extensions 

Extend your Hypnotherapy Training
If you're looking to extend and diversify your skills as a professional Hypnotherapist then Grant has several distance learning (home study) Hypnotherapy Training Course Extensions available.  These extensions are primarily created for those who've already completed Grant's Certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy course, but are available to any Hypnotherapist wishing to upskill with the benefit of Grant's huge professional experience.

These extensions are a cost effective way of providing a greater range of skills and techniques for your clients - especially those who may require the more advanced techniques of Age Regression Therapy or Parts Integration Therapy for persistent issues.

The Extensions:
Parts Integration Hypnotherapy
Great for indentifying the sources and potentially resolving interpersonal conflicts; where one "part" of a person is at odds with another, or other "parts". You can also SAVE by bundling this extension with the Age Regression Hypnotherapy extension!

Age Regression Hypnotherapy
Often the event that may have caused or contributed to an unhelpful or destructive behaviour or emotion is long forgotten or has even been repressed by the mind as a protection mechanism.  This intense therapy technique can assist to uncover the offending (or Initial Sensitising Event) so that an appropriate therapy technique can then be conducted with the client. You can also SAVE by bundling this extension with the Parts Integration Hypnotherapy extension!
Higher Certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy
When you have completed the HNZ Certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy Course (or another pre-approved Clinical Hypnotherapy course) plus the HNZ Parts Integration Therapy Extension and the HNZ Age Regression Hypnotherapy Extension you will automatically qualify for the FREE HNZ Higher Certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy!

Modern Suggestive Hypnotherapy for Professionals
Consolidate the skills you learned in the Certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy course with this amazing ebook version of Grants highly successful (sadly sold out) book.  Or, as a profession Hypnotherapist who has trained elsewhere, you can now add a touch of Grant's huge experience to to your own client toolkit.

Mastering Stage Hypnosis
For the show-man or woman who loves to entertain. No previous Hypnosis experience or knowledge is necessary!  Yes, it even teaches how to hypnotise on stage.

Ask Grant a Quick

Parts Integration Hypnotherapy

Parts Integration
                                  Hypnotherapy Home Study Course Extension
Parts Integration Therapy has become one of the most loved and essential techniques for professional Hypnotherapists. It is especially useful for clients who are dealing with an internal conflict. IE:  "Part" of them wants one outcome, while another, or other "parts" want something totally different; so therefore the client is experiencing an internal conflict.

While in trance the client is asked to assign each "part" certain attributes; such as color, shape, texture, etc. These attributes are then compared and often modified, so that they are then more in-tune with the overall good of the client - as a co-operative sum of his/her various personality "parts".

Parts Integration Therapy is usually more suited to an open-minded and imaginative client, and a quick thinking Hypnotherapist.  Grant has streamlined and simplified this technique to make it fast and easy to learn and apply.  Learn the Parts Integration Therapy technique today and it might become your new favourite! 

You will Receive:
  • Downloadable PDF Course Extension Text
  • Downloadable Client Session Worksheet
  • Downloadable A5 Extension Certificate (On completion of the Case Study examination requirements.)
  • This Extension counts toward the new HNZ Higher Certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy Read More
Pay $79.00 by Bank Deposit
Pay to our Bank Account: 02 0792 0356645 00
Reference: Your Name & Email*
Code: PIT
On receipt of your payment, you will be emailed download instructions.
(*You may also send us your details by email.)

Pay $79.00 by Credit Card

Pay with Paymate Express

(On receipt of your payment, you will be emailed download instructions.)

Bundle Deal:
Save $29.00 by bundling this extension with the Age Regression Hypnotherapy extension!

Age Regression Hypnotherapy 

Age Regression
                                      HypnotherapyHome Study Course Extension
Especially for the experienced professional Hypnotherapist who wants a powerful technique to use with deeper seated client issues.  Age Regression Therapy is a combination of several complementary techniques to assist with remembering or clarifying significant formative events of the past.  These past memories, while long forgotten or repressed, may still be having a (usually negative) effect on the emotions and behaviours of the present.  Once the "Initial Sensitising Event" of the past has been addressed, the emotion or behaviour of the present can often be positively modified.

Age Regression Therapy can be amazingly useful when you're faced with a client who fails to improve after correctly formated Suggestive Therapy.  Its use goes beyond addressing traumatic events and can be even used in locating lost articles (providing of course there is some memory available of the loss and the article is still where it was lost).

Included in the Age Regression Therapy extention are sections on:
  • The Affect Bridge
  • Sensitising Events
  • Abreactions, Emotional & Physical Responses
  • Anchoring
  • Ideomotor Signalling
  • Dissociation
  • Reframing
  • Gestalt Dialogue
  • ...... and much more!
Many Hypnotherapists use variations of this technique with fine success.  In the extension texts, Grant explains in his own special logical detail how to get the most benefit from ART with your client.  So learn the techniques now so you can offer it as a powerful treatment option to appropriate selected clients.

You will Receive:
  • Downloadable PDF Course Extension Text
  • Downloadable Client Session Worksheet
  • Downloadable A5 Extension Certificate (On completion of the Case Study examination requirements.)
  • This Extension counts toward the new HNZ Higher Certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy Read More
Pay $129.00 by Bank Deposit
Pay to our Bank Account: 02 0792 0356645 00
Reference: Your Name & Email*
Code: ART
On receipt of your payment, you will be emailed download instructions.
(*You may also send us your details by email.)

Pay $129.00 by Credit Card

Pay with Paymate Express

(On receipt of your payment, you will be emailed download instructions.)

Bundle Deal: Save $29.00 by bundling this extension with the Parts Integration Hypnotherapy extension!


BUNDLE Parts Therapy & Age Regression Therapy
SAVE $29.00!

Pay $179.00 by Bank Deposit
Pay to our Bank Account: 02 0792 0356645 00
Reference: Your Name & Email*
Code: BUN
On receipt of your payment, you will be emailed download instructions.
(*You may also send us your details by email.)

BUNDLE Parts Therapy & Age Regression Therapy
SAVE $29.00!

Pay $179.00 by Credit Card

Pay with Paymate Express

(On receipt of your payment, you will be emailed download instructions.)

HNZ Higher Certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy

HNZ Higher
              Certificate in Clinical HypnotherapyHNZ Higher Certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy
is a totally free qualification

When you have completed the following:
  • HNZ Certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy Course (or pre-approved eqivalent)
  • HNZ Parts Integration Therapy Extension
  • HNZ Age Regression Hypnotherapy Extension
You will automatically qualify for the HNZ Higher Certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy when you have completed the
HNZ Certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy course (or another pre-approved Clinical Hypnotherapy course) plus the HNZ Parts Integration and HNZ Age Regression extensions.

If you meet the criteria you can:
Apply for the HNZ Higher Certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy HERE

Modern Suggestive Hypnotherapy for Professionals

Modern Suggestive Hypnotherapy for Professionals - Practical Skills for 21st Century Hypnotherapists!
Modern Suggestive Hypnotherapy for
                          ProfessionalsThe ultimate "fine-tuning" text for modern Hypnotherapists who want to assist their clients more swiftly and more effectively.

This book is primarily intended as an educational reference text for Hypnotherapists with at least a basic working knowledge and preferably experience of the principles and applications of Hypnotherapy. It is also designed by Grant to be an interesting and anecdotal vehicle to share many of his theories and practical applications of techniques that have evolved during more than 30 years in Suggestive Hypnotherapy. 

In this book, Grant shares the techniques he's developed over many years of clinical testing and tuning - including:

  • The ‘Programming Ps’ Rules
  • The ‘Client Personality Type' Triangle 
  • The ‘Conscious Subconscious Interaction' Model 
  • The ‘States of Awareness' Model 

This book is a great adjunct to Grant's Certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy course.  It's also an interesting and informative read for more experienced professional Hypnotherapists whose clients would really benefit them learning from some of Grant's simple and effective techniques.

Buy Now - Just $29.00
Print copies are all sold out, so now it's only available as a downloadable EBOOK!

Pay $29.00 by Bank Deposit
Pay to our Bank Account: 02 0792 0356645 00
Reference: Your Name & Email
(You may also send this information by email. On receipt of your payment, you will be emailed download instructions.)

Pay $29.00 by Credit Card

Pay with Paymate Express

(On receipt of your payment, you will be emailed download instructions.)

Contact Grant for more information

Mastering Stage Hypnosis 

Mastering Stage HypnosisGrant Boddington is also a one of NZ's most highly experienced and talented Stage Hypnotists - starting way back in the 1980s!  Grant has mostly retired from the comedy stage nowadays, so it's time for him to share his secrets, tips & experiences about this exciting occupation with a new generation of Hypnotists.

In the latest version of his best selling Instructional Ebook Mastering Stage Hypnosis, he shares his knowledge in generous detail.  So if you're thinking of extending your Hypnosis training by learning to be a Stage Hypnotist, then this comprehensive ebook is for you!

Look at what's included in this amazing ebook:

  • Section 1: Learning to Hypnotize
    • About Hypnosis; Inducing a Trance; Removing a Trance; Dealing with Abreactions
  • Section 2: Preparing your Hypnosis Show
    • Advertising, Promotion & Booking; Equipment & Support Staff; Legalities & Insurance
  • Section 3: Staging your Hypnosis Show
    • Setting the Mood & Expectation; The Introduction Speech; Suggestibility & Suitability Testing; Choosing Volunteer Participants; The Best Routines
  • Section 4: After Your Hypnosis Show
    • Add-ons & Extras for Profit; Conclusion
Buy Now - Just $49.00
Pay $49.00 by Bank Deposit
Pay to our Bank Account: 02 0792 0356645 00
Reference: Your Name & Email
Code: MSH
(You may also send this information by email. On receipt of your payment, you will be emailed download instructions.)

Pay $49.00 by Credit Card

Pay with Paymate Express

(On receipt of your payment, you will be emailed download instructions.)

Contact Grant for more information

Contact Grant Boddington

Call, chat, or text Grant Boddington 8:00am - 8:00pm - 7 days for more information on the newest, most comprehensive version of this Hypnotherapy training course.

Grant Boddington
Grant Boddington
HNZ Registered
Clinical Hypnotherapist

Ask Grant a Quick

Mobile: 021 447 481 


134 Heads Road 
Wanganui 4501 
New Zealand


Hypnotherapy New Zealand

GL Boddington
Copyright © 1996

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